Posted on: Sun, 08/28/2022 - 16:44 By: admin
Rasafa water treatment plant/Iraq

Detailed description of project  The objective of Al-Rusafa Water Supply Project is to provide drinking water to Baghdad area at a Max capacity of 500 MGD (2,275,000m3/day) to address the deficit in demand. The final stage will be achieved by five streams of 100 MGD. The first stage of the project will provide 200 MGD (910,000 m3/day), through two streams 100 MGD (455,000 m3/day) each.  The Intake will be located at about 3.5kms Shark Dijlah (Saba Nissan) and the WTP will be constructed along the main road, North of Baghdad. The final ground level of the site will be at 36.00 AOD, one meter above the maximum flood level.  The treatment plant will be connected to the network through trunk mains, feeding the existing and future reservoirs, located in the eastern part of Baghdad city as well as the reservoirs in the Kerkh side.  The reservoir R0 (at the Treatment Plant Site) and the trunk pipelines, with all electro-mechanical components of pumping stations, chlorination station, power stations and miscellaneous works.

Project country Provided services Name of client Origin of funding Name of partners(if any) Dates(start/end)
Iraq MOB & BWA Iraq Government 2008-2011